Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What's after death???

Today, after the core class, I went to the students led discussion which was taliking about what going to hapeen after your death. Differnt student hold different point about because different belief. And becase of this sittuation, the discussion group was more like a confilict. person from differnt culture shouted in the class..somebody believes in christina and somebody believes in jesus. To be honest, I do not even know what were they talking about because debates without out any logical thinking. I was silent in the class because I believe in science, I do not have any comments about these superstious point like after death people's soul will still exit and turn out to be other forms of life such as animals. For me, it is so sample. After the death of human, the body will be become rotten day by day, then become dust which blowed by natural. Human born in nature then go back to nature again.

However, I still learned something from this led discussion. The belief are very important to these people who believed in. And it is extremely unpolite to insult someone's religion. Take a example, like today's class, one students disagree with the belief from a girl, but they don't know they were doing inderectly insulting. The girl is innocent for sure, and keep explaining there is nothing wrong with her religion. Well, lets say she is right because no one do not think he or she' religion is perfect. Just different culture different views. Those guys who did insult other people's culture did not know they were hurting other groups

Anyways, I think its better to be a none belief person....Sicence could be my belife. This led discusstion group could do well today. However, it should not denied that there will be no result for people to argue about religion.

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